Hello to our dear friends and readers from around the world. Today we’re liveblogging what is expected to be the biggest of the ongoing anti-government protests in Macedonia yet. We’ll try to update this very live(ish) blog as frequently as possible. We’ve also got a few great people on the ground in Skopje who will also be sending us information throughout the day, so do check back!
As usual, we invite you to send us your tips, photos, thoughts, anecdotes, or video clips to editor@balkanist. Alternatively, you can tweet any photos or info you might want to share with a wider audience to @balkanist.
Stay safe!
1515: From Jack Davies:
Albanian and Macedonian flags flying side by side everywhere I look. So much for ethnic conflict. #протестирам
— Jack Davies (@jackoozell) May 17, 2015
1510: Excerpts from Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on protests in Macedonia. Predictable.
1455: RT also has a livestream of the protests:
1445: Livestream of the protests in Skopje. Apparently no Macedonian stations are broadcasting it, but this Albanian station is:
1435: All of our recent Macedonia coverage:
“Op-ed: Countdown Gruevski”, Alida Karakushi
“Macedonia: The Exit Strategy of a Failing Government”, Ivana Jordanovska
“Postcard from Skopje: The Melancholy Revolution”, Jack Davies
“Macedonia’s Crisis: Beyond the Ethnic Divide”, Orhan Ceka
“Postcard from Skopje: Night of the Blunt Knives”, Jack Davies
“Op-ed: How Low Can He Go?”, Ivana Jordanovska
“Following a Day of Violence, Pleas for Calm from Communities Across Macedonia”, Miki Trajkovski
“Postcard from Kumanovo: The Chessboard and the Carnival”, Jack Davies
“Wiretapping, Police Brutality and Growing Security Fears in Macedonia”, Miki Trajkovski
“Postcard from Skopje: Rain Fails to Stop Play”, Jack Davies
“Calling All Albanians: Rescue New States, Don’t Demand New Ones”, Sidita Kushi
“Who’s to Blame in Macedonia?”, Suad Skenderi
1425: The crowd.
Gruevski is surrounded by protestors. #protestiram #протестирам pic.twitter.com/sIG9AeOgao
— Vincent Triest (@VincentTriest) May 17, 2015
1400: Protests across the region and Europe in support of Macedonia:

https://m.facebook.com/events/776234272483350/ (Amsterdam)
https://www.facebook.com/events/870387303014666/ (London)
http://coreni.net/протест-пред-македонското-посолство/ (Sofia)
https://www.facebook.com/events/1590488461191062/ (Sarajevo)
We also have word that there are similar solidarity protests in Paris and Brussels, but don’t have any details. Let us know if you do. Most importantly, tweet or email us photos (editor@balkanist.net) if you attend such an event!
I believe the demonstration in Skopje today will be peaceful and impressive. Key is what happens afterwards. http://t.co/zmEZSxLifa
— Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) May 17, 2015
Ethnic Albanians and Macedonians are protesting together. Picture says enough. #protestiram #протестирам pic.twitter.com/yGRie2MzI4 — Vincent Triest (@VincentTriest) May 17, 2015
Skopje at the moment,Macedonia at all times,please get over it and embrace it! #protestiram pic.twitter.com/tl9k5i5BMU — Olimp7 (@olimp7) May 17, 2015
Not even 2pm and thousands filling Skopje streets. Amazing atmo. Albanians, Macedonians together. Even Turkish and Roma flags. #protestiram — Mitra Nazar (@Mitrala) May 17, 2015
“Being a democrat means, primarily, not to be afraid.” (Bibó, I.) #Macedonia #protestiram #протестирам — Srecko Matic (@srecko_matic) May 17, 2015
Music played at start of protest is Vangelis – conquest of paradise.. 🙂 #protestiram — Marcel van der Steen (@marcelvdsteen) May 17, 2015
#protestiram bandiere albanesi e macedoni assieme contro il governo Gruevski pic.twitter.com/lKOiCijKlv — Giovanni Vale (@giov_vale) May 17, 2015
И студентите се овде, а вие? #Протестирам #Macedonia pic.twitter.com/ipE5UtHux1
— #Протестирам (@protestiram) May 17, 2015