A few words from the Romanian essayist Emil Cioran and 21 photos from Tamas Urban. “As…
Tag: romania
Hello everyone. To supplement our more in-depth coverage of elections across the region, we will…
The Year in Bad Reporting About the Balkans
Unfortunately, people continued to get paid to write pieces in “prestigious” newspapers that were utterly…
Tito Rising?
Is the appearance of a new statue of Yugoslavia’s communist leader in Macedonia another manifestation…
“I Wouldn’t Live There for All the Money in the World”
The mining tycoons behind the controversial Rosia Montana gold project in Romania have run other…
Fascism and the EU
Welcome to the first edition of “Fascism and the EU”, wherein we track the movements…
Chernobyl Stag Parties: British Bachelors in Eastern Europe
Cheap flights have encouraged gangs of young men to leave their dismal homeland and terrorize…